Low Click-Through Rates? Strategies to Boost Affiliate Conversions

May 21, 2024

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Struggling with low click-through rates (CTRs) or seeing clicks that just don’t convert?

What if there was a partner in your corner, helping you turn those clicks into a stream of conversions?

At Voonix, we’re not just aware of your obstacles, we offer solutions to tackle them. This guide explores game-changing strategies for iGaming and discusses how we can aid your affiliate business.

Strategies For Higher CTR & Conversion Rates

#1 Create A Data-Driven User Persona With Voonix

Not knowing your audience is like shooting in the dark.

If you can’t connect with your audience and understand their search intent, your link conversions will plummet. So, here’s your first step: craft a user persona. Learn about your ideal audience through detailed user profiles. Outline their demographics, interests, and online behavior.

The best user personas are built on data and insights. That’s where Voonix comes into play. Our software handles the data collection process to paint a clear picture of how your audience interacts with your links. You’ll learn about their preferred content types, engagement, patterns, click-through rates, and more.

Create a data-driven persona to boost CTR and optimise campaigns. Note their demographics, interests, and behaviour

#2 Do Keyword Research

For attracting your target audience, a focused keyword will be a main player – for both paid and organic traffic.

To find the right keyword, picture your ‘user persona’ and delve into their mind. What words would they use when searching? Jot them down, dig into some research, and ask yourself these questions:

  • Are the keywords relevant to my content? (Keeping them specific is usually best in affiliate marketing).
  • How often are people searching for my keywords?
  • How many of my competitors are using the same keyword? (Remember, ranking for highly competitive keywords is harder).
  • Should I use a short or long-tail keyword?
  • What is the user’s search intent?
  • Am I considering local keywords?

#3 Make Your Content Exclusive

You need to provide value to your iGaming audience. Remember, they can probably find the same promotions elsewhere.

So, what’s your best bet for link conversions?

Craft exclusive content.

Your audience craves the unique, behind-the-scenes treats that only you can deliver. They want that VIP pass into a world others can’t reach. But how do you ensure your content stands out?

  • Use data insights from Voonix to tailor and track exclusive content to your audience’s specific preferences.
  • Negotiate exclusive offers with gambling platforms.
  • Tailor deals to your target audience’s preferences.
  • Provide insider tips and strategies.
  • Share first-hand experiences and stories related to iGaming.

#4 Use High-Quality Visuals

Your iGaming affiliate content needs to be concise, engaging, and, above all, visually appealing.

To learn the kind of visuals your audience prefers, refer to data from Voonix (or other analytics tools). Most importantly, use high-quality and attention-grabbing visuals that suit the platform you’re using.

If still in doubt, run A/B tests to discover what works best for you. Test different visual elements – from images to video snippets – to see what drives the most clicks and conversions.

A link tucked away at the start of your content or skillfully woven into a captivating piece of content reels in more clicks than at the bottom. Equally important is a Call-to-Action (CTA). By writing a clear CTA that encourages action, your audience may become motivated to click on your affiliate link. Here are some examples:

  • Limited Time Offer! Claim Your Bonus Before It’s Gone!
  • Claim Your Welcome Offer Now!
  • Exclusive Offers Inside! Check Out Bet365 Today!

Again, leveraging your user behavior data from Voonix is key, as it will help you craft and place CTAs that will pique interest and encourage clicks.

#6 Test, Monitor, & Refine

As an iGaming affiliate, you’ll find that trial and error is a big part of your marketing efforts.

Run tests to see what works for you and what doesn’t. Think of it as fine-tuning your campaign for a higher Click-Through rate and conversions.

Use Voonix to track user behavior, clicks, and conversions, and do A/B tests. From CTAs and visuals to content formats and user personas, put your strategies to the test. Data will reveal what truly converts your audience.

Prioritize Conversions Over CTR

Although Click-throughs are a solid start, but they aren’t conversions.

CTR tells you the number of people who interacted with your link, not those who took the next step to sign up with the gambling operator. In that sense, a high click-through rate can be misleading, as it doesn’t necessarily result in a high conversion rate.

To this end, focus on targeting users that could go all the way. These are the people that you want to retain as loyal customers. Treat them well, offer them high-quality content (not clickbait material!), and go the extra mile to guarantee they derive immense value from what you provide.

Optimize Your Campaign Through Voonix

No matter your budget, Voonix is here to be your partner on your journey as an iGaming affiliate.

Voonix tracks your data and gives insights on how to optimize your campaigns. You can group marketing sources for easy performance comparisons, identify top-performing campaigns, track earnings per country, and more. Use this knowledge to make your content and calls to action more effective, thus boosting click-through rates and increasing conversions.

Not ready to commit? Give Voonix Freemium a try today and unlock the power of data!

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